Jumat, 27 Februari 2015

studi banding SMPN 1 Kadipaten di SMPN 5 Cirebon

hai kawan, postingan kali ini Hanum mau share dikit waktu spenma kedatangan tamu, yaitu guru dan teman-teman dari SMPN 1 Kadipaten.. :)) :D

Para guru, duta KKR, dan duta PHBS yang sedang menanti kedatangan rombongan SMPN 1 Kadipaten
kedatangan rombongan SMPN 1 Kadipaten di sambut oleh Duta KKR, dan Duta PHBS
Nah, akhirnya yang ditunggu-tunggu datang jugaa....

Ini guru-guru SMPN 1 Kadipaten
Rombongan langsung diarahkan ke ruang aula untuk menyaksikan penampilan-penampilan siswa-siswi Spenma

Penampilan tim Paduan Suara Spenma bimbingan Bu Ichwa..
Penampilan tari, ini juga bimbingan Bu Ichwa..#Guru Kesenian yang top markotop deh..
Presentasi tentang PHBS..
Di akhir acara, OSIS pada foto-foto tuh.. ^_^
Oya ada tanding persahabatan juga loh.. Volly guru-guru Spenma lawan guru-guru SMP 1 kadipaten, dan futsal anak Spenma dan anak SMPN 1 Kadipaten.. sayang ga ada gambarnya nih... Pokonya menerima tamu studi banding dari sekolah lain tuh punya kesan tersendiri dehh... 

Rabu, 18 Februari 2015

Story of my hero


Raden Ajeng Kartini was a leading feminist of women emancipation in Indonesia who was born on 21 April 1879 in Jepara, Central Java.

R.A. Kartini was born to an aristocratic Javanese family. Her father, Raden Mas Sosroningrat, was the mayor of Jepara. Her mother, M.A. Ngasirah, was his father’s first wife. At that time, polygamy was a common practice among the nobility.

During that period, women received little or no education at all. Women would end up giving birth and stay in the kitchen all the time. Kartini rebelled in her quiet way against this injustice and inspired the women of her nation to achieve more than what the society allowed them.

Kartini went to a Dutch school (Europese Lagere School) where she learnt to speak Dutch fluently, which was unusual for Javanese women at the time. But when she was 12 years old, her father prohibited her from continuing her studies because of the tradition. A noble girl was not allowed to have a higher education; she had to be secluded at home. This was a common practice among Javanese nobility, to prepare young girls for their marriage. The girls were not allowed to go out at all until they were married, when authority over them was transferred to their husbands.

During her seclusion, Kartini's father gave her certain privileges such as embroidery lessons and occasional appearances in public for special events. She learned by herself at home and spent her times reading books. She was very concerned about women’s education in Indonesia. From the books, newspapers, and European magazines that she read, she was very interested in European women’s way of thinking. She determined to enhance the education of Indonesian women. Kartini then established a school especially for women where she taught how to read and write as well as other important skills.

Kartini sometimes discussed the issues together with a Dutch couple, the Ovinks, whom were amazed with Kartini's fluency in Dutch. Kartini had a book to read from Mrs. Ovink and started to correspondence with pen friends in the Netherlands. One of her pen friends, Rosa Abendanon, was her close supporter. In her letter, Kartini always discussed feminist matters and revealed her dream of equality between men and women in Indonesia. Kartini always discussed feminist matters and revealed her dream of equality between men and women in Indonesia.

Later on, Kartini insisted to continue her studies although her father didn’t approve it. Kartini then wrote a letter, asking for a scholarship to study in the Netherlands, to the Education and Culture Director, Mr. J.H Abendanon, who sent her a very promising reply. However, her parents would married her to the mayor of Rembang who already had three wives. It was against Kartini's sensibility but she eventually agreed to please her ailing father. After the marriage, Kartini followed her husband, Raden Adipati Joyodiningrat, to Rembang, Central Java. In Rembang, Kartini continued her correspondence with her pen friends in The Netherlands. Supported by her husband, Kartini established a school for women in complex area of Rembang District Office. She passed away at 25 years old in 17 September 1904 while giving birth to her first son.

Following Kartini’s death, Mr. J.H Abendanon published a book called “Door Duisternis Tot Licht” (Through Darkness to Light) which consists of the collection of Kartini’s letters to her friends in Netherlands. In 1964, President Soekarno stated Kartini as Indonesian Heroine and set Kartini’s birthday, 21 April, as the Indonesia National Day (Kartini's Day).

Minggu, 01 Februari 2015


halooo... beberapa jam setelah memposting tentang Choi Minho, kali ini hanum mau post tentang sekolah hanum, kampus SPENMA tercinta <3
Terletak di Jalan Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo No.77 Kec. Kejaksan  Kota Cirebon 
Telp. (0231) 209192 www.smpn5cirebon.sch.id Email: smpn5cirebon@yahoo.com

a. Ekskul wajib
b. Ekskul Akademi
 English Club
Math club
Kantin Kejujuran

C. Ekskul Olahraga
 Basket putera
 Basket Putri
d.ekskul kesenian
Modern dance
Paduan Suara
Tari tradisional
e. Ekskul KKR
Kader Kesehatan Remaja

Pengurus Inti
KKR Divisi Bank Sampah
KKR Divisi Biogas
KKR Divisi Jamur dari Limbah Kertas
KKR Divisi PKR (Peduli Kesehatan Remaja)
KKR Divisi Kompos
KKR Divisi Monitoring Bakteri Jajanan Kantin Sehat
KKR Divisi Monitoring Lingkungan Hidup
KKR Divisi Monitoring Zat Adiktif Jajanan Kantin Sehat
KKR Divisi Penjaringan Kesehatan
KKR Divisi Teater Kesehatan
KKR Divisi Monitoring Gizi pada Jajanan Kantin

 Masjid Attarbiyah
 Hotspot area
 Kantin sehat, oya kantin yang sekarang sudah direnovasi loh... lebih bagus dan luas.. tapi belum ada foto nya.. ntar yaa
 Lab bahasa digital
Lab bahasa
Lab. Ipa 
kelas dilengkapi infocus dan ac
 Perpustakaan digital

 Lab. Komputer
 Ruang BK
 Sarana Olahraga

Ruang Lobi
 Alat pencacah Organik
 Kreasi daur ulang

 WC bersih
Westafel di setiap kelas dengan dilengkapi sabun
Bank Sampah SMPN 5 Cirebon
Spenma ku dari atas.. keren... <3
oya kawan, sekolah tercinta SMP 5 ini sekolah Adiwiyata berwawasan Ligkungan loh 
nih pialanya..
Oya yang hebatnya lagi SMPN 5 Kota Cirebon juara Lomba sekolah sehat tingkat Provinsi, dan di tahun ini akan menuju Sekolah sehat tingkat Nasional..doakan ya teman-teman.. semoga sekolah kebanggaan kita ini bisa jadi nomer 1 di Indonesia..